Administrator Toolkit

Administrator Toolkit

LaunchPacks, available to every school for free during COVID-19 closures, is being leveraged by schools across the globe who are grappling with shutdowns and working to minimize COVID-19’s impact on students, families, and staff. LaunchPacks supports virtual learning, independent study, and remote assessments across topics covered in the K-12 science and social studies curricula.

As an education leader, we know that you are not only solving for an immediate crisis, but figuring out how your learning objectives and goals will be achievable in a virtual learning environment for the long term. Britannica has partner schools in 100+ countries who are also solving for this challenge and a 40-year track record in creating digital education experiences for students. We are here to partner with you, provide customized support, and help your district with short and long term needs.

Where to start

Remote Learning

  • A simple 3-step framework to help transition your classroom plans into virtual experiences, including Virtual Lesson Starter Activities for Grades 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12
  • Interactive Pear Deck activities for grades 6-8 social studies. Pear Deck activities combine LaunchPacks content with the power of Pear Deck’s student engagement platform. Britannica’s editors have selected key Pack resources and paired them with interactive questions to help students engage with the topics and develop critical thinking skills. These activities are designed as Google Slide decks
  • Support students with special needs with independent learning tools and personalization support

Support for Parents


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Expedition: Learn! Scope & Sequence

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Expedition: Learn! Teacher Toolkits

Expedition: Learn! Reading Levels

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Expedition: Learn! Spark Video

Each Expedition: Learn! Lesson begins with a video to spark students’ interest in the topic


Britannica Expedition: Learn!

Ignite the spark of curiosity and accelerate learning

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