Britannica will work closely with you to customize services that map to your curriculum, align to your standards, and build internal capacity.

Custom scope and
sequence development

One of Britannica’s Education Consultants will work closely with you to develop a custom scope and sequence that integrates Britannica content into your curriculum map.

Custom curriculum pathways
for grade-level content areas

One of Britannica’s Education Consultants will develop unique curriculum pathways to support differentiated instructional experiences to support standards mastery.

instructional coaching

Job-embedded instructional coaching focuses on

  • Addressing learning recovery, making data-informed instructional decisions to acerbate student learning and provide appropriate scaffolding.
  • Student-centered demonstration of proficiency within standards and grade span expectations through formative assessment and data monitoring.
  • Coaching can be paired with Enhance Practice workshops to continue growth in educator competencies
    developed through classroom practice and application.

Let Britannica help build the right training plan for your staff.

Let us help you!

Find out how Expedition: Learn! can accelerate your students’ learning.

Let Britannica help build the right training plan for your staff.

Let us help you!

Find out how Expedition: Learn! can accelerate your students’ learning.

Expedition: Learn! Scope & Sequence

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View the available lessons for elementary and middle school science and social studies

Expedition: Learn! Teacher Toolkits

Expedition: Learn! Reading Levels

Choose between 4 reading levels to meet the needs of every learner

Expedition: Learn! Spark Video

Each Expedition: Learn! Lesson begins with a video to spark students’ interest in the topic


Britannica Expedition: Learn!

Ignite the spark of curiosity and accelerate learning

You are reading a Middle School level article.

For Elementary or High School reading levels, please contact us.